Ford didn't put anything on this tractor it didn't need. Simply built, easily maintained with simple tools are among the reasons so many of these exist and are in use to this day. (5 foot wide brushhog is at the upper end of its limits in thick brush) Some of the horses have left the engine but it can easily run properly sized implements. I brushog, log, run a sickle bar mower, and finish mow with my N tractors. Kubota tractors seem to hold their value and are good machines but some of their PTO shafts on the older ones supposedly spun the wrong way and a gearbox to reverse the rotation was required. The tractors are world apart and fill different roles. Neither have been rebuilt and, aside from a clutch or two in their past, are pretty much original.
#Best tractor for hobby farm series
I have 2 N series tractors, my 1942 one is the workhorse, the '54 is my drive around or future parts tractor.

Thanks for stoping by and happy homesteading!

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#Best tractor for hobby farm mods
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