Bitperfect player
Bitperfect player

But having said that, thus far, newcomer BitPerfect not once crashed while I used it. You can’t really compare these programs one on one because both PureMusic and Amarra offer much more functionality than BitPerfectmost important of which is FLAC playback, and, judging from the early BitPerfect reviews on the web, they could be more stable than BitPerfect. That compares nicely to BitPerfect’s 7,99 euro, doesn’t it?

bitperfect player

Amarra is the most expensive at 178 euro for the full version while Pure Music at 113 euro is less expensive, although still far from cheap.

#Bitperfect player for mac

For Mac I have used two programs that apply a series of methods to achieve the same thing: Amarra and Pure Music. In the case of Windows there are various routes of shortening and/or purifying the “signal path”, Kernel Streaming being the most commonly known method. I don’t know the fine details but just like Windows computers have lots of resampling and mixing going on with their kmixer, something similar happens with Macs. However, I need to say a thing or two about my earlier experiences with similar programs. You can read all about that elsewhere on the web. What are the audible differences? Being more familiar with Windows computers, I won’t pretend to know exacty what BitPerfect does behind the scenes, nor will I bore you with a complete rundown of all its functionality. Below screenshot, as well as the rest, are of the V1 software. Meanwhile, there is a v3, shown in the main image screenshot above.

bitperfect player

Please note that this review is for version 1. Retail price when purchased in 2012 approximately 7,99 euro It made for an interesting comparison to PureMusic. It does this while maintaining the ease of use that iTunes offers. BitPerfect is a very affordable Mac app that works with iTunes to enable better sound

Bitperfect player