There is traditional anime in Homecoming with Prototype, Origins and The Babysitter being more broad in their animation styles. It looks beautiful during the sweeping shots of the battle, but looks a bit odd during dialogue sequences. It’s created with CGI, but then retrofitted with a watercolour feature, making it look like an in-motion painting. The most visually striking segment is The Duel, a samurai/ronin style film, featuring the alien species, The Elites. It’s a mix of art styles and keeps the visuals changing from story to story.
Halo legends the babysitter full#
(creator of Ghost In The Shell), Studio 4C (who created The Animatrix) BONES ( Full Metal Alchemist), Casio Entertainment and probably the most well known, Toei Animation ( Dragonball Z). Instead of a single story based on the video game (which has apparently been in development for several years, once with Peter Jackson and Steven Spielberg as directors), Halo Legends decides to be an anthology series, swapping between four different anime houses. The film follows seven different stories in the Halo universe, based on several characters over thousands of years. Halo Legends stars Shelley Calene-Black, David Wald and John Gremillion and is directed by Toshiyuki Kanno, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Koji Sawai, Tomoki Kyoda and Yasushi Muraki. Film is what I’m more interested in and after learning there was an anime film about the Halo universe produced I thought I would track it down and watch it. I have played several instalments but I never really was too interested in them (although I do think the “Don’t make a girl a promise” quote is great). Halo is probably one of the most played video games series in the world.