To end with, it is important to add that it can also decompile ActionScripts of a movie in Flash and it supports the formats Flash MX and Action Script 2.0. Sothink SWF Decompiler v7. In this way, you will be able to enjoy all your movies in Flash in your PC, iPad, iPhone and in all the devices that support HTML5. Sothink SWF Decompiler can also convert SWF files to HTML5, which are compatible with the browsers. Recently used it to decompile an SWF that I had lost the fla for, and I could completely round-trip swf-fla and back link text Share Improve this answer Follow answered at 21:15 Robert Jeppesen 7,822 3 35 50 Sothink is really very good. With just one click you will be able to see and extract all those elements or even export them to different formats. Sothink SWF Decompiler comes with a file explorer integrated and it allows users to preview the elements and the internal structure of the animation in Flash. Latest version Older versions Advertisement Flash SWF Decompiler is a powerful application for Flash designers which allows you to extract sounds, images, videos, fragments, fonts, etc. The elements in SWF can be edited or you simply can replace an element for another image, text or sound. Also, all the material that you export can be stored as independent files in different formats as, for example, JPG, BMP(for images), MP3, WAV(for audio), FLV(for video), etc. In this way, you can view all the forms, the sounds, the images, the videos, the sprites, the sources, etc., as if you were working with the original FLA file. This program offers users the possibility to decompile animations in Flash in the different elements that compose them separately. It allows users to decompile a SWF file and get the original source code of it. Sothink SWF Decompiler is a tool to explore, view and open files in Flash (SWF).